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Sunday, March 16



Seller Advice: How To Earn The Amazon Best Seller Badge

It's simple to earn an Amazon bestseller badge! The category you sell in must have the highest sales velocity for you to succeed. The ...

Amazon Best Seller

It's simple to earn an Amazon bestseller badge! The category you sell in must have the highest sales velocity for you to succeed. The story is not over there!


Amazon prioritizes its customers and won't recommend goods that they could find disappointing. Some products have the potential to reach their maximum sales potential and fast become bestsellers if listed properly. What elements influence your likelihood of getting the Amazon bestseller badge? How do you obtain it?


To get all of your questions answered, continue reading.


Quick Guide

A Bestseller Badge on Amazon is what?

Which indicators need to be improved in order to earn the best seller badge?

Various other Amazon badges to be aware of

Badge for new Releases


A Bestseller Badge on Amazon is what?

Amazon unveiled the #1 bestseller label a few years ago. The orange ribbon icon that may be seen in the upper-left corner of a product page designates it as being given to top sellers. Customers may make an informed purchase decision by using this emblem, which shows which products have a higher product ranking in terms of sales.


In the beginning, Amazon simply displayed the badge for one seller each category. In each category, we now have 100 best sellers. Due to the subcategory's possible lack of competition, you might not be able to see all the bestsellers in that subcategory.


Amazon Best Seller

Which indicators need to be improved in order to earn the best seller badge?

The search ranking of a product is determined by Amazon's A9 algorithm. The item with the most sales in a certain category receives the #1 Amazon best seller designation. Additionally, the best selling rank (BSR) is updated hourly by Amazon's A9 algorithm.


Even while Amazon did not identify the precise measures affecting the bestseller rank, it is obvious that sales velocity and sales history have an impact on a product's BSR. Therefore, when rating products within a category or subcategory, the whole history of sales is taken into account. 'Clothing,' 'Electronics,' and 'toys and games' are three examples of very competitive categories. Obtaining the bestsellers badge in these categories is exceedingly difficult for merchants.


Let's examine a few strategies for ensuring steady sales and earning the bestsellers label.


1. Make a product listing that is optimized

You must carry out keyword research in order to create an optimized product listing. This aids in your comprehension of your shopper's behavior.


How do I research keywords?


Amazon Best Seller

The easiest method is to visit and enter the first few phrases associated with your purchase. Amazon will make a few choices, and you may choose the ones that apply to your listing from the list. In addition, there are free keyword tools available, such as Google Keyword Planner. However, the outcomes wouldn't be exclusive to Amazon.


Select the search terms that receive a lot of traffic and include them in the product's title, description, and bullet points.


Always keep in mind that finding highly relevant keywords with solid search volume is the main objective.


The optimization of your backend keywords is the second step. This area receives all the keywords of average significance, misspellings, and brand-related terms. There is no need to repeat the keywords or separate them with commas or spaces.


I'd like to point out that you should employ keywords in the order of their relevance and search volume in this context. This facilitates keyword coverage and improves the readability for a human audience.


2.Target the appropriate category.

As I previously stated, not all Amazon categories are the same. Some markets are more fiercely competitive than others. In a tiny niche or subcategory, it is simpler to earn the bestselling designation.

For instance, it may be simpler to become a bestseller in the "Floating shelves" area than in the "Home decor" category if you are selling a hanging wooden shelf.


Don't place your products in a category that is not relevant.


You could be tempted to place your products in categories with little competition and that are only loosely related to your product in order to rank as a bestseller.


Few seasonal products, regardless of the category they fall under (such face masks, holiday gift items, or school supplies), see higher sales. In these situations, the seller could achieve the bestsellers label not by selling to consumers who are seeking in a relevant category, but rather by selling their goods in an irrelevant category where the aggregate demand may be quite low.


There is a good probability that placing a product in the incorrect category may harm its ranking and conversion rates. The likelihood of customers leaving the product listing page without making a purchase may be on the rise. Over time, this degrades your conversion rate and lowers your Amazon search position. 


So, ask yourself: "Is it worthwhile manipulating the categories to get the bestseller badge for an hour?"


3. Preserve aggressive pricing

You may already be aware that competitive pricing results in higher sales. Better product ranking is the result of this. You don't have to give the lowest price for your goods, but you should make it within the range that is reasonable for customers. In order to develop a competitive pricing plan, keep an eye on your competitors. Your chances of receiving the Amazon bestselling label will ultimately increase as a result.


While cutting your rates, be careful to keep an eye on your profit margins to ensure continued profitability. This implies that you should continue to make money even after paying for the item's price, shipping costs, Amazon fees, etc.


Keeping product pricing low may help you increase sales and, in turn, your search rankings, but it's just one of the many aspects that Amazon's A9 algorithm takes into account.


4. Specific Marketing plan

Your sales and organic ranking can both be increased by using Amazon pay-per-click (PPC) advertising campaigns. Running PPC advertising would be quite beneficial if you sell in highly competitive areas and crowded categories.


Have you ever seen well-known brands using PPC ads to maintain their positions and rankings within their industry?


Even though you have respectable sales and excellent product rankings, a rival executing PPC advertising can easily outrank you. As a result, you should include PPC advertising in your strategy if increasing sales and dominating your niche are your objectives.


Various other Amazon badges to be aware of

To enhance the purchasing experience for customers, Amazon launched a few badges. A badge gives one an advantage in the marketplace given the large choice of products available on Amazon. Following are a handful of them:


A Badge from Amazon

Amazon Best Seller Badge

Along with the bestsellers badge, Amazon also debuted the Amazon's choice badge in 2015. The major objective was to make using Alexa for shopping simpler.


The results of a voice search on Alexa are more limited than those of a web search. To retrieve prior orders from customers and make product recommendations, this language assistant is used. In the absence of the customer's orders, Amazon's selections within a category are used to suggest the outcomes.


The Amazon's choice symbol is now visible on the mobile app's and web browser's search results page. Amazon's selection acts as a direct recommendation to buy a product, just like the bestsellers do. As a result, it boosts sales by gaining the trust and attention of customers. The achievement of this badge is so valuable for vendors as well.


Badge for new Releases

For new sellers on Amazon, we have the "New Release" badge. The basic goal of this is to get potential customers' attention. Despite the fact that Amazon did not specify any requirements for receiving the #1 New release badge, we have noticed some commonalities:



·       For your main term, you should be on page 1. Your item needs to be distinct from the competition.


·       Your product listing needs to be effectively optimized, particularly the title and description. Don't be hesitant to experiment.


·       You must outsell the category's top seller in terms of unit sales.


'New' label

The 'New' badge was first made available by Amazon last year to draw attention to recently released products. The testing phase for this red ribbon-like emblem is still ongoing. This is one of the most recent initiatives to assist customers in choosing what to buy. The standards for awarding this badge are yet unknown, though.


The conclusion

It can be a good idea to wear an Amazon bestselling badge, but is the badge worth it? To respond to this question, you must adopt a wider viewpoint. Buyer confidence is increased by the bestselling label, accelerating your success. The goal should be to grow sales by selecting the proper customers; everything else will come as a result of succeeding.

There are several strategies that increase your likelihood of closing deals, but you shouldn't compromise your reputation in the process. Make the right decisions and consistently provide excellent customer service. 


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The Power of Promotional Rebates on Amazon

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