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Wednesday, January 8



Comprehending Amazon Seller KPIs: Assess Your Performance in the Marketplace

It's likely that anyone who takes their Amazon selling seriously understands the significance of KPI (Key Performance Indicator) measu...

Amazon Seller KPIs

It's likely that anyone who takes their Amazon selling seriously understands the significance of KPI (Key Performance Indicator) measures. Online businesses must adapt quickly to shifting trends and provide prompt customer service. Any company that sells products on an internet marketplace like Amazon has to know this. Selling companies and brands can efficiently gather, manage, and evaluate their Amazon seller KPIs thanks to the abundance of data and analytical tools available to them.


With the help of these KPIs, brands and sellers on Amazon may monitor data and derive insightful reports that support both their short- and long-term objectives. A seller can use these measures, whether they are related to sales, brand awareness, attracting new clients, or Amazon KPI research, to steer their business in the proper path.


In this article, we'll look at the crucial indicators that vendors and sellers on Amazon should be focusing on, as well as the significance of KPIs for Amazon sellers.

Table of Content

How Come Seller KPIs Matter?

How Often Should My E-Commerce Metrics Be Monitored?

Amazon Seller KPIs List That You Should Monitor

What is Glance Views on Amazon?

Final Thoughts

How Come Seller KPIs Matter?

In the modern era of e-commerce, multichannel fulfillment has gained widespread acceptance. Doing a KPI analysis for your company is crucial given the sharp development in digital sales channels and the amount of rivals in various areas. It's likely that you are aware of the significance of Amazon KPI measurements if you operate an online business and sell on Amazon. Furthermore, it is challenging to distinguish between inventory management and sales, or between marketing and sales, in the context of e-commerce. Since they are all connected, it becomes challenging to follow the performance. It is for this reason that we must combine all of the measures. Monitoring the data related to sales, marketing, and inventories will assist you in controlling the overall costs of the business. 


Nonetheless, in order to keep your account in good standing and enhance your performance as a seller, you must use Amazon seller KPIs. Over the past few years, Amazon as a sales platform and its vendors have undergone significant changes. Sellers have been able to use the seller central account to track their KPIs for the better part of the last ten years.


How Often Should My E-Commerce Metrics Be Monitored?

I'm sure you're asking how frequently we should check your seller analytics. Well, that would depend on your business goals and KPIs.


KPIs must be monitored on a weekly, biweekly, monthly, and quarterly basis. Let's examine them now.


Weekly: Certain indicators require ongoing attention and must be monitored on a weekly basis. These include impressions, clicks, and organic traffic to your listings.


Bi-monthly: Monitoring your KPIs on a bi-monthly basis is the most effective way to obtain a larger sample size. The data will have less variances and deviations due to the higher sample size. Cost per acquisition, average cost per value, etc. are a few of them.


Monthly: Monthly reports are useful for figuring out trends in purchases and comprehending marketing initiatives. These KPIs may be connected to your basket abandonment rate, views in your Buy Box, etc.


Quarterly: You must monitor specific KPIs on a quarterly basis if you hope to improve your long-term strategies. Metrics and quarterly reports assist you in coordinating your performance with your corporate goals. Among them are product affinity (items that are bought together to create cross-promotion techniques), customer relationship value (CLV), and product relationship (which products are seen to grow cross-selling tactics).


Determining your objectives and defining your KPIs in advance is frequently crucial.


Amazon Seller KPIs List That You Should Monitor

Most sellers examine the fundamental metrics offered by Amazon, which comprise:



·       Purchases

·       Earnings

·       Inventory (available)


Even while these indicators form the foundation of your company, they are not sufficient to provide a comprehensive analysis of your Amazon business. If you're just getting started, tracking them is fantastic. In the long term, though, these won't provide you with the proper guidance to monitor your business goals. To scale your firm, you'll need to have a clear idea of your strategy and know how to analyze Amazon KPIs.


Now let's explore some of the Amazon KPIs that can help your company flourish.


Typical KPIs for Amazon sellers include the following:

Rate of conversion or proportion of unit sessions:

The percentage of units sold per number of sessions on your product page is known as the unit session percentage on Amazon. These sessions represent the total number of visits determined in a given day. A session will be regarded as having several views.


Index of inventory performance:

The Inventory Performance Index is one of the most recent iterations of the KPIs for Amazon sellers. This indicator assesses how effectively you are stocking up on in-demand products and managing your inventory. The possible scores are 0 to 1000. A score of less than 350 suggests that there are problems with your account and that you should fix them. If your account's score is more than 400, it's functioning well.


To keep a watch on the Amazon inventory dashboard and take advantage of the recommendations that Amazon has to offer, you must keep an eye on the health of your account.


Order defect rate:

Amazon gauges the level of customer service provided by vendors based on this metric. Order defect rate is mostly influenced by buyer chargeback claims, A-Z claims, and unfavorable reviews posted by customers on the Amazon marketplace. Amazon shields its merchants from fraudulent chargebacks in the event that the accusations are false. For this KPI, Amazon sets the standard high. Order defect rates are permitted to be less than 1%; if they exceed this threshold, you may receive a warning and there is a strong possibility that your account will be suspended.


Ideal order percentage:

Aiming for the ideal order percentage is a good idea. It indicates that orders are received, handled, and completed correctly. To keep your order percentage at 100%, you must keep track of your products when they are in stock, being packaged, and being shipped to the consumer.


What is Glance Views on Amazon?

We have seen that sellers are not quite clear on Amazon's Glance view metric. So let's start by talking about the meaning and interpretation of this measure.


How are Amazon Glance Views used?

The number of times a product detail page is visited is shown by Amazon Glance views. Many retailers and sellers could frequently mistake this metric for impressions. Customer glance views give you an idea of the number of viewers who are interested in your goods, whereas impressions are the number of views of a certain piece such as advertising. Moreover, there are various interpretations of Glance viewpoints.


Amazon analyzes your product demand using glance views. Purchase orders for the goods rise in response to rising demand.


You can perform the following analysis of Amazon KPIs with glance views.


Rate of product conversion

You can find out how many customers bought your product after visiting your product page by looking at the product conversion rate.


Product conversion rate = Total Orders/ Customer Glance views


%  Buy Box quick track (for suppliers)

Only Amazon suppliers are eligible for this measure. It indicates the frequency with which a fast-track offer appears on the product page.

% Buy Box fast track = (Glance views with a fast track offer / Total customer glance views)*100


100% Refreshable Purchase Box fast track (for suppliers)

This is an additional KPI for Amazon merchants. This measure indicates how frequently clients are shown the Fast Track offer on replenishable items.

% Replenishable Buy Box fast track = (Fast Track customer glance views on Replenishable Items / Total customer glance views on Replenishable Items)*100


%Sorting Out of Stock

A crucial indicator that tells you the proportion of sales you lost because a product or item was replenishable out of stock is replenishable out of stock.


%Replenishable out of stock = (No. of Glance views when the product is out of stock/Total no. of glance views) * 100


Perceptions of non-replenishable items: For book sellers 

This measure is only available to Amazon book sellers. Views on non-replenishable products assist you in determining which titles—because customers are interested in them—can be shifted to the manufactured-on-demand process.

% Views on non-replenishable items = (Customer glance views on non-replenishable product/ Total customer glance views of the product)*100


Final Thoughts

That brings us to the end of KPIs for Amazon sellers. These are a few pointers to help you define your analysis of Amazon KPIs. We are aware that every company is different, and that the list of suggested KPIs changes depending on the nature of the company and the objectives of each team. Monitoring these KPIs can help you maintain good standing with Amazon and improve the long-term health of your account.

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