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The Ultimate Amazon SEO Resource: The Amazon SEO Guide

When a customer visits Amazon, their sole objective is to purchase a certain item. The most important query is, though: where will he or s...

Amazon SEO Resource

When a customer visits Amazon, their sole objective is to purchase a certain item. The most important query is, though: where will he or she acquire it from?


Currently, it is crucial to understand how Amazon SEO (Search Engine Optimization) functions in the current situation and how to beat Amazon's A9 algorithm if you want the response to be "you."


Because there are millions of active sellers on the Amazon Marketplace, you MUST maintain your product listings accurate, user-friendly, and visually appealing.


Considering this, we have produced a comprehensive guide that delineates the fundamental strategies and tools needed to surpass your competitors, as well as the inner workings of the Amazon product ranking algorithm.


Let's move on now.


Understand How Amazon Search Operates:

Like Google, Amazon evaluates the search results using an algorithm that considers a number of different factors.


The core search engine is called A9. The algorithm determines the relevance of the millions of products stored in its database to the search queries supplied by users based on several characteristics.


You should have a fundamental understanding of how Amazon search functions before we go into the many strategies to optimize your Amazon product listings.


This often includes promoted products, search filters, the many categories on the search results page, and the Amazon search page.


1. The Search Results Page on Amazon


The mechanism used by Amazon Seller Central to classify its products is extensive.


There are two ways that products are shown on the result page when a user, buyer, or shopper (or whatever term you choose) searches on Amazon:


List View: Each result page in this layout type has roughly 15–16 products.


Gallery View: Each result page in this layout type features roughly 24 to 25 products.


To accurately categorize the product using these views and filtering, this expertise is required.


2. Products Sponsored by Amazon

The Sponsored Products category is another important one in Amazon's search results. They are visible on many pages, dispersed over various locations. The sponsored product results are usually displayed at the top of the product page, though they are occasionally mixed in with the natural results.


It is imperative that you optimize the sponsored product listings for Amazon SEO, in addition to using appropriate keyword bidding techniques. Your product will appear on the first page of sponsored products if you use the proper PPC and Amazon SEO methods.


3. The Search Filters on Amazon

Then, filter fields will appear on the left-hand side. Numerous filters are available, such as those based on product category, seller rating, shipment method, brand, color, and condition. The algorithms on Amazon are clever.


As long as the product listing copy specifies whether a product is black or brown, they are made to be able to tell. The product is only eligible to be presented in the filter query's subset if this piece of information is present in the listing copy. It seems sense that a "optimized listing" is important.


If you are selling a red straightener from the XYZ brand, for example, and you would like your listing to appear in both the “hair straightener” category and the “XYZ Brand” filter view, you should be as specific as you can be when you are categorizing in Seller Central.


Your product won't ever appear in those filters if you don't complete these parameters. Thus, consider all possibilities, particularly from the standpoint of the customer.


Read Must: UnderstandingAmazon Advertising Impressions


The Relationship Between A URL And A Search Query

When refining search results, Amazon takes into account the URL of a listing. Take into consideration the following parameters.


Keyword: This indicated the term that the user had typed in. This takes care of Amazon's general need. This would be the "red flat straightener" in our scenario.


Node: Each category on Amazon is assigned a unique identifier (ID). This ID is addressed using the argument "Node." Look at the URLs of the Amazon categories to determine the proper ID. The number for the category "hair straighteners" would be "1464599427."


Brandtextebin: When evaluating the effectiveness of various items within its own line, the "Brandtextebin" metric is useful. Take the following example: "Red straightener from ABC brand" against "Grey hair straightener from XYZ brand."


Discover How to Rank Higher on Amazon

There is an inverted ranking system called Amazon Sales Rank. Accordingly, the product with the lowest sales ranks lowest and the product with the most sales ranks highest.


While many experts and Amazon customers are still attempting to figure out what affects the sales rankings, there are three key points that any seller on Amazon has to be aware of:


·       Even Amazon has a search engine, much like Google. This implies that SEO exists as well.


·       Prospective customers will undoubtedly search for your product before discovering it among other comparable goods. At this point, increasing the visibility of your goods becomes essential. Exactly in this situation, Amazon SEO is useful.


·       By using the proper Amazon SEO tactics, you can increase sales in addition to ranking higher.

Your rivals are looking for an authoritative Amazon SEO guide at the same time that you are. It is imperative that you begin putting the SEO techniques into practice right now.

Every Amazon seller is aware of the importance of the platform's search engine and how ranking well on the results page is essential for a profitable enterprise. Buyers will never view products that do not appear on the first page of the search results. Furthermore, some customers just view the first three listings.


This demonstrates the importance of optimizing a product listing for the most recent version of Amazon's A9 algorithm.


You may be wondering now what A9 is. In case you are unaware, let me give you a little introduction.


Describe the Amazon A9 Algorithm.

The product ranking algorithm used by Amazon, known as A9, determines results based on the keywords, searches, and other terms entered into the search box. Customers' past purchases, their buying habits, and a few other factors are what drive the displayed results.


How Does It Operate?

The algorithm determines which items to display to prospective customers and how highly those products can rank depending on a number of factors, including:


·       Adherence to search terms or inquiries

·       Prior consumer inclinations and actions

·       The quantity of past purchases of a specific item


Other than the aforementioned, there are numerous other aspects. Since A9 is classified as a corporate top secret by Amazon, its exact functionality is unknown. The complexity of the algorithm may be worth several millions of dollars. Thus, good care is taken to safeguard the confidentiality of how it operates. However, you can gain an understanding of how it functions with a few experiments, and that is precisely what we will reveal here.


What Elements Affect The Search Rankings of the A9?

When it comes to the components of Amazon A9, they fall into two major categories:


Cost: Having a higher price differential than your rivals may work against you.


Stock Supply: Having a product go "out of stock" can also be a disadvantage. It's possible for your listing to vanish or be shifted further down.


Text Relevance: This shows how well you've chosen the title and description for your product listing.


2. Implicit:


Sales Velocity: Your chances of ranking well and succeeding on Amazon increase as you begin to sell more things.


Let's take a closer look at Amazon product optimization now.


What Information Is Required About Amazon SEO?

In order to maximize an Amazon product listing, a seller has to understand the A9 algorithm's primary ranking variables. We'll now examine the specifics of the "optimization" process, now that you have a solid understanding of how the products are categorized and how the URL is defined.


You will uncover the different factors that Amazon takes into account when determining which products to promote at the top of the search results in addition to learning about ON-Page SEO on Amazon.


Keep in mind that Amazon wants its customers to enjoy a satisfying and happy buying experience. Only a delighted customer will consistently make new purchases on


As a result, part of Amazon SEO involves user and search engine optimization. These two factors are given more weight by its ranking system.


Which Elements Make Up "Desirability"?

The primary focus of the criteria that determine "desirability" is on the user and their experience. Thus, the focus here is on the user's conversion rate after they land on the product page.



The majority of these are on-page elements such as:


·       Attractive pictures of products

·       Better product title

·       Competitive pricing for the product

·       positive ratings and reviews for the products

·       Giving a concise, bullet-point description of the product

·       appealing product title that encourages users to click through

·       Communicating the difference your product makes from the competition


Which Elements Are Included in "Discoverability"?


The variables pertaining to "discoverability" are not user-focused in comparison to the "desirability" ones. Rather, their focus is mainly on the metrics that evaluate how a product is presented and how likely it is to be purchased.


It is evident that Amazon prioritizes the most lucrative product with a high conversion rate, taking into account many parameters such as:


·       Fulfillment method (FBA)

·       Price

·       Stock availability

·       Shipping cost

·       Amazon keyword research and optimization.


How Can I Rank My Products Higher on Amazon Using Amazon SEO?

The following advice explains how to address Amazon's A9 ranking variables and methodically enhance the outcomes:



Step 1: Product Title on Amazon

Your product title is the most important thing to pay attention to in order to increase the product's visibility and rankings. Make sure your title prioritizes the product name and includes all pertinent information.

Amazon states that the following should be included in a product title:


·       Brand

·       Product

·       Material

·       Quantity

·       Color


It should be noted that a product title on Amazon can only contain 100 characters. This does not imply that you may cram it with too many keywords. Maintain its clarity, appeal, and optimization.


One of the key elements that determines an Amazon product's rating is an optimized title. Since Amazon is just another search engine, keyword research is crucial here as well. You will never get very far if you have never given keyword research or keyword optimization for your product any meaningful thought.


It is never a good idea to pack headlines with too many keywords because that will turn off potential customers. Make sure the title includes the keyword organically and provides a good description of the product.


However, very short headlines take up less space and, as a result, frequently have lower CTRs (Click-Through-Rate). Since many customers on Amazon search for specific brands, the brand name should always be mentioned on the product page.


Use two or three keywords that describe the product and have a high search volume. The appropriate product title affects a product's click-through and conversion rates in addition to raising its search ranks.


Therefore, ensure that the title's first five to six words are understandable, succinct, and easy to read. These minor details both improve the headline for the Amazon search and make it more tempting for the customer to click.


Step 2: Find Product Keywords Through Amazon Keyword Research

Decide which keywords will work best for the product or products you are offering. Examining the best-selling items in your category is a great approach to accomplish this. Determine their keywords by analyzing them.


Select the highest ranking four or five products together with the most reviews. Look through the list to find the most relevant keywords that correspond with your product. Yes, it takes a lot of time and comprehension to do this. Thus, instead of wasting your time and labor, consider using this Free Amazon Keyword Research tool.


To find out its search volume, you may even cross-reference your list once you've collected it using the tool mentioned above. You can now focus on achieving the ideal collection of keywords for your product listings.


Taking a broader view, you should use Amazon SEO to improve your listing's visibility and attract targeted visitors. Usually, this entails optimizing for the search terms they use.


·       Assess each keyword's prospective traffic using the list. To help you determine the whole size of the possible internet market, examine the popularity of those terms.


·       Create compelling content that centers on those keywords. You can quickly establish a connection and meet the demands of potential clients by using keywords.


·       You can learn about your clients' wants and how to meet them by analyzing the keywords they use.


Step 3: The price of the product on Amazon

When determining a "price" for your product, always check to see whether your competitors are offering any similar goods. Greater pricing differences will never prevail. Always aim to match or lower the price offered by your rivals. Aim to drive the little fish away by lowering the costs to absurd levels.


Undoubtedly, one of the most important performance aspects that influences a consumer's decision to buy a product is its pricing. Being excessively costly in comparison to what your rivals are offering in the market can significantly hurt your sales.


Step 4: Product Images on Amazon

As they say, "a picture speaks a thousand words," and this is especially true when discussing how to draw in customers to an online store like Amazon.


Never underestimate the power of the pictures. Among the most important sales arguments is this one.  Product images are a major source of sales. While they don't directly improve Amazon SEO, they have a significant impact on reducing bounce rates.


Moreover, shoppers may examine things up close and more clearly thanks to Amazon's zoom option for photos. This implies that vendors had to use photographs with higher resolutions and in HD (High Definition).


To utilize Amazon's "zoom" feature, you should use larger images—at least 1000 pixels wide or high.


Increased sales have been linked to photographs of higher quality. This essentially indicates that people are more likely to browse through your listing because of the photos.


Remember that graphics play a major role in affecting the Amazon SERPs because they have a greater impact on velocity.  Moreover, you can experiment with various visual strategies to draw in customers.


Let's say, for example, that Medalia Art used unique picture strategies to elevate their selling approach to a whole new level. When they swapped out their painting images for the equivalent painters' images, they noticed a roughly 95% uptick in their CTRs.


Images in e-commerce provide a reliable representation of the goods. People are visual learners, thus a visually appealing image naturally effectively communicates that. A buyer is greatly impacted by a fantastic picture.


A killer product image has the power to entice a buyer back to your listing page even after they've seen a few other items. Creating this magic on a user is not difficult.


Let's examine two distinct photo arrangements of a rather basic product. Which one are you most likely to buy from? Which row is lower or higher? Tell us in the space provided for comments.



Recognize that before making a buy, every customer that visits Amazon needs to get a clear picture of the item.


It could deter him or her from making a purchase if there are few photographs accessible, and they are usually of poor quality. Consequently, it is essential to provide high-resolution images (about 1000 x 1000 pixels or 1500 x 1500 pixels).


Develop a fresh image strategy if you want to drive your product to the top of the Amazon search results.


Step 5: Product Description on Amazon

The product description, in addition to the other important elements, encourages the customer to buy. As a result, it's critical to emphasize the advantages of the product.


Despite not being as powerful a ranking criteria as the product title or bullet points, the product description is nonetheless quite relevant when making a purchase.


Once more, the appropriate keywords should be used in this context, together with a heavy emphasis on persuasive and emotional sales reasons.


Step 6: Bullet-point features of Amazon products

You have a lot of options here because Amazon provides a lot of room for you to write about your goods.


When it comes to the "product description," customers will never be pleased if it is composed of long paragraphs discussing every aspect of the product instead of short, concise bullet points.


There are two disadvantages of writing a product description in paragraphs, which are as follows:


·       Because they are confusing, unclear, and unapproachable, potential customers detest them. Using them will therefore decrease both your visibility and velocity in the Amazon search results as well as your conversion rates and sales.

·       Walls and lengthy passages of text are hated by Amazon's A9 algorithm. Would much rather have it in bullets, which are better, simpler to read, and more logical in appearance.


The bottom line is to accurately define your product in writing using bullet points.


Once more, keep in mind that since the keywords are organically added, you should exercise caution when stuffing the bullet points with keywords. Instead, highlight particular product qualities like size, weight, and color. Reading shouldn't be awkward as a result.


Overall, there is more room between the bullet points and the title. The keywords' placement is irrelevant. Meeting the seekers and persuading them to buy something is more crucial. Bullet points that don't work well can easily turn a user off. This has an effect on "bounce rate," which can negatively affect rankings.


Step 7: Availability of Product Stock

As this might cost you a great deal of rankings, it is important to make sure your product never goes "out of stock."


·       You can establish reminders to alert you automatically anytime your product inventory reaches a certain level and you need to refill, if you happen to utilize Amazon FBA or Fulfillment Method.


·       The use of multichannel sync platforms, on the other hand, can help you synchronize your inventory so that it never goes below zero if you are selling your goods on many websites. But, you can use independent stock management systems if Amazon is your only online retailer.


Still, everything from sourcing to stocking to shipping is important if you are selling independently.


Maintain frequent communication with the suppliers to remain on top of the inventory on your own. You can avoid deficits in the future by doing this.


Step 8: Backend Search Terms for the Product


Although certain search phrases are currently hidden from customers, Amazon's A9 algorithm often indexes them. As a result, they can greatly enhance a product's search engine ranking. The following are crucial elements to include in your backend:


·       keywords or search phrases that your title or description was unable to accommodate.


·       A product’s misspellings (which nonetheless customers tend to search highly on Amazon) or relevant keywords for your goods.


·       Translate your product's words into French or Spanish, since Spanish is more widely spoken in the US.


·       Other synonyms that consumers could search for.


You don't need to use keywords too frequently in your listing because doing so has no bearing on ranking. It only has detrimental effects.


Step 9: Product Evaluations and Stars

Regarding Amazon SEO, a product's ratings and reviews are additional relevant factors that are assessed and taken into account for higher ranks. In addition, they ensure that the ranks are indirectly improved at the same time.


This in turn affects conversion rates and click-through rates. The product's value improves with a bigger number of positive evaluations. The opinions of other users and purchasers, who may find the customer reviews beneficial or useless, also reflect this.


The little yellow stars are important for increasing click-through rates, just like reviews. These result in higher click-through incentives with a suitable figure and overall excellent average ratings.


Step 10: Use FBA For Your Product


You pay $39.99 a month for a Professional Seller Account. This is definitely worth it, even though it might appear a little pricey at first. It relieves you of the $1 cost per product that you have to pay when maintaining an Individual Seller Account.


Pro sellers that use FBA not only increase their chances of showing up in the Amazon SERPs but also increase your chances of getting the "Buy Box."



When you properly optimize your product listing, your product's discoverability and desirability will approach 80%. However, the procedure is not over yet. Staying at the top of the rankings requires keeping up with algorithm changes, trends, and continuous tweaking.


After reading this post, you should have a solid understanding of the Amazon A9 algorithm's operation and how to improve your listing to appear higher in the search results. If, despite reading a thorough post, you are still having trouble, don't worry; we have the resources to keep your listings on course and, as a result, boost your sales beyond your wildest expectations.

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How to Use Search Frequency Rank on Amazon to Increase Conversions

A/B testing your Amazon listings

10 Proven Strategies to Unlock Amazon's Sales Potential

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