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Wednesday, January 8



What Connection Is There Between Keywords and Amazon Search Terms?

Every Amazon seller is familiar with the phrase "keyword." Targeting the appropriate keywords for your campaigns, listing optimi...

Keywords and Amazon Search Terms

Every Amazon seller is familiar with the phrase "keyword." Targeting the appropriate keywords for your campaigns, listing optimization, keyword research, and Amazon SEO are all necessary steps in the process of selling successfully on Amazon. While search phrases are also crucial to Amazon SEO, keywords are.


It can be confusing to read the descriptions of search phrases and keywords because they have similar sounds. The topic, "What is the difference between keywords and search terms?" now comes up frequently. Let's first examine the meanings of each of these so that we can respond appropriately.


What distinguishes search terms from keywords

Keywords are phrases made up of one or more words that are utilized to increase a product's discoverability and inorganic growth. Customers enter search terms into the Amazon search window when looking for a specific product.


The primary distinction is that PPC campaigns require you to submit keywords in order to bid on them in order for your ad to be displayed to customers.


Which kinds of keyword matches are there?

You can place a bid on keywords on Amazon to have your advertisement show up in the area where the customer's search phrases match. With what are known as Keyword Match Types, Amazon lets you match different types of client queries.


They let you display your advertisement based on how closely the search terms match the campaign keywords. On Amazon, there exist three forms of keyword match:


1.   Broad match

2.   Phrase match

3.   Exact match


Broad match type

The terms you have typed will be matched with a broad range of search terms in this match type, all of which contain variations of your keyword that still contain the original word or words.


If you want to reach as many people as possible, the broad match type is best. If your match type is broad and your keyword is "bracelet," for instance, even search words like "gold bracelets for women" or "high-quality bracelets" will result in your advertisement.


Phrase match type

You can provide a phrase as keywords in this match type, and any search phrases that contain this phrase will match. Your advertisement will appear if a customer types in your identical keyword phrase among other phrases.


This match type is less limited and also helps you reach a larger audience. If your keyword is, say, "gold bracelet," then search phrases like "handmade gold bracelets" or "gold bracelets for women" will also come up.


Exact match type

When a buyer searches for your products, it must have the same keyword as the ad's target keyword (exact match type). This match type aids in focusing on and targeting a very particular group of people who are interested in your offering.


Only the search term "handmade gold bracelet for women" will see your advertisement if your keyword is "handmade gold bracelet for women."


Connection between search terms and keywords

Keywords and search terms are related in that consumers' search terms entered into the Amazon search bar are matched with relevant keywords. Your campaigns' keywords are gathered and selected based on the real search terms that customers actually use to find and buy your product.


Several search queries are combined to form keywords. Several search phrases can be associated with a keyword that has a specific match type, and vice versa.


How can I comprehend the significance of keyword metrics and how Seller Central search phrases relate to them?

It's crucial to understand that the keyword-level data you see on Amazon Seller Central are those of search phrases. What does this signify? A keyword might be associated with more than one search phrase, as was previously noted.


In light of this, imagine you are looking at the analytics for the term "red water bottle" on Amazon Seller Central. It has received 5000 impressions overall. Let's now assume that this specific keyword has three associated search phrases.


All of the associated search phrases' impressions are combined to give it the 5000 impressions that it has got.


To gain a better understanding:


Search term 1 – 1000 impressions

Search term 2 – 2000 impressions

Search term 3 – 2000 impressions

Total = 5000 impressions


As a result, the total impressions that the search phrases associated with the keyword "red water bottle" have got is 500



The main goal of Amazon keyword research is to distinguish between search terms and keywords.

The only way to develop and improve your keyword strategy is to have a thorough understanding of the terms people use to search for products.

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